How To Use WeOwnAnyCar?

Welcome to WeOwnAnyCar, the used car website thats designed to make the search for your next car in Cheshire and the Greater Manchester area easier.
You need to know the used car prices, for both your existing vehicle and for the model you intend to purchase. This will enable you to negotiate a better bargain on part exchange or organise a private sale for the old car and drive the best deal on the new one.
Enter the key details of your chosen car into the search box above, we recommend that you start with the key elements of what your looking for i.e. Silver vectra, dont worry about the other options on the search bar at this stage, and click the search button. After a few seconds the search results will be displayed and with the above search you will have several hundred matches but not all cars are as plentiful as the Vectra so start with a broard search which you can narrow down later! Once you have these initial results, which are listed lowest price first, you can filter by year, minimum maximum price and by area.
The “year” filter is useful to guage the value of your existing car as we list both private and trade cars and the results will show what you can expect to get in todays market as we update the available cars daily. When serching for your new car use the price filters to set you maximum and minimum prices youre prepared to pay for that make and model but leave the year box blank as you may be surprised to find a much newer car available than you thought possible for your budget.
Finaly in the search for your new car you can filter by area, this will show the nearest cars to you but if there are cheaper cars of the same make and model elsewhere in the UK dont be afraid to ring and negotiate with your local dealers. Quote the better deals on offer and where youve seen them and you may get the right car at the best price on your doorstep!