How to save on car insurance in Stockport

In recent years it has increased the number of insurance companies in Stockport that operates through the Internet or phone calls.
Its main attraction is low prices they offer, in addition to promotions, and discounts of 20% if the recruitment is on-line instead of telephone policies for one euro a day and other hooks that arise in advertising.
The truth is that the way the business of this type of insurance provides considerable savings in costs, have no physical offices, no middlemen, no commissions.
That is, in theory, eliminate expenses not related to the direct provision of services to the insured. But if faced arguments that traditional insurers exposed to halt the advance of working in a “virtual”, the customer realize that the balance between the two is very balanced.
Companies from Stockport operating through websites and phone numbers are saved significant amounts of money by not having office staff and insurance agents, but in contrast, significant amounts of money devoted to advertising. The incumbents say the biggest disadvantage of hiring a web-safe is that for any process that requires the insured must use email, phone or fax, with the corresponding costs that entails, while they provide a physical to go for any management process.
Now, perhaps the time is not money? The truth is that if consumers only compare prices for premiums offered by the “virtual” compared to traditional coverage and reviews and other than a guarantee, saving seems to be considerable.