Used Car History Reports

Buying a used car or motorcycle can be risky. Why? You don’t know the history of the vehicle. There are so many things that could have happened that could end up costing you money.
There is a way to change that. Start by getting a free VIN check. The VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) check will tell you how many entries there are for a particular car or motorcycle in the National Vehicle Database. These entries may include information about a used vehicle’s title, DMV, odometer, major damage, theft, lemon, and insurance history. This initial service is often free from sites like Experian, and ConsumerGuide.
For around £10, you can also get a very helpful report called a used car history report. Here’s why you should get a used car history report:
It can save you heartache. These reports will help make sure you don’t by a car that you later regret buying.
It can save you money! You will know more about the car – and information is power. Use the information to negotiate a lower price.
You’ll know whether to continue. You’ll have the information you need to decide whether to continue investigating the car, or move on to a different car.
AutoCHeck by Experian, and ConsumerGuide offer vehicle history reports. AutoCheck vehicle history report also checks to see if the vehicle was a “Lemon” or has suffers from major recalls.